Sharpsnout/ Bream
Its scientific name is Diplodus puntazzo and belongs to the Sparidae family.It resembles the white seabream or “Sargo”/”Sarago”It can reach a length of 60 centimeters and a weight of 1.5 to 2 kilos.It is a benthopelagic species, a fish that lives near the seabed in open waters, on stony floorsand in depths from 0 to 150 m. It is a fairly gregarious species since it forms fairly large shoals;however, it is often met alone or in smaller groups. It feeds on seaweed, worms, smallermollusks and shrimp.
Sharpsnout/ Bream
ΤIts scientific name is Diplodus puntazzo and belongs to the Sparidae family.It resembles the white seabream or “Sargo”/ “Sarago”. It can reach a length of 60 centimeters and a weight of 1.5 to 2 kilos.It is a benthopelagic species, a fish that lives near the seabed in open waters, on stony floorsand in depths from 0 to 150 m. It is a fairly gregarious species since it forms fairly large shoals;however, it is often met alone or in smaller groups. It feeds on seaweed, worms, smallermollusks and shrimp.